The Firearm Trainer Licence is a licence authorizing the holder to legally solicit firearm training services in Jamaica. Applicants interested in applying for Firearm Trainers Licence MUST be a licenced firearm holder.

Application Instructions

The Firearm Trainer's Licence application form may be downloaded from the link below or collected at any of our offices across the island.

A single application form (FLA 210) should be completed and submitted to any FLA Office with following supporting documents:

Required documents for Firearm Training Certification are outlined below:

  1. Two (2) Passport sized photographs certified by a Justice of the Peace. NB: stamp should include Justice of the Peace registration number. Photographs are to be taken on white background. (Do not seal photos).

  2. Two (2) recommendations from any of the following categories of persons:
  • Minister of Religion (must be a Marriage Officer)
  • Justice of the Peace
  • School Principal
  • Gazetted Rank Police Officer (not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent)
  • Attorney-at-law
  • Medical Doctor
  • Resident Magistrate
  • Member of the J.D.F (Major and above)
  • Member of Parliament

N.B. All recommendations are to be addressed to the Firearm Licensing Authority. Applicant must be known to the referee for at least five (5) years.

  1. Birth Certificate. (Original and Photocopy).

  2. Proof of name change if name has been changed: (Marriage certificate, Deep Poll, or Divorce Decree).

  3. Valid Government issued ID. (Passport, Driver’s Licence, Voter’s ID).

  4. Proof of Income (Original and Photocopy)
  • If employed, take your three (3) last pay slips or letter of employment. Fortnightly paid persons should submit the last six (6) payslips. Monthly paid persons should submit the last three (3) payslips.
  • If Self-Employed/Business owners, take a valid Individual or Business Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC). Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) is required where the applicant is a business i.e. a Company, Sole Trader or Partnership.
  1. Original and Photocopy of both the Licence Fee Receipt and Fingerprint Receipt MUST accompany the application package for submission.

  2. Proof of Trainer Certification from reputable organisation(s) [optional] 

  3. Trauma First Aid Certification (must not be expired)

  4. Application Fee (payable upon submission of application at the FLA Office).

  5. Have at least three (3) years’ experience handling firearms (e.g JDF & JCF Personnel). If the applicant is not a member of the JDF or JCF he / she must be a firearm holder for at least three (3) years.


Method of Submission

All application form(s) and supporting documents are to be submitted directly to the Firearm Licensing Authority at any of our locations across the island. Applications should be submitted in person.

Fingerprint Requirements

All applicants are required to obtain a Fingerprint Receipt from any office of the Inland Revenue Department (Tax Office) and complete the fingerprinting process at the Criminal Records Office. The Criminal Records Office will indicate on the Fingerprint Receipt that the fingerprint process was completed. Said receipt MUST then accompany the application package. 


Licence Fee Receipt(s) is to be obtained at the Firearm Licensing Authority. Debit Card, Credit Card and cash transactions are accepted at the FLA. The licence fee is JMD$30,000.


Recommendations and Authorization Letters issued more than 6 months prior to the submission of the application will NOT be accepted.

Applicable Forms